Tuesday, January 29, 2008

International Agencies

When researching the topic of International Advertising I had found many different companies that focus primarily in this specific field. These ad agencies range from large corporations to smaller companies, all with the primary goal of spreading their advertisements and messages to all parts of the world. Advertisement agencies such as Us Media International prides itself on buying and placing media anywhere in the world at a reasonable price. Agencies such as International Advertising Ad Agency  works with travel, food, fashion ,and many more specialized topics. Check out the International Advertising Association page to view their goals as well as find out who has joined the IAA. 
These International agencies must take in consideration more factors that a national advertising company does. Two professors from NYU highlight the factors, issues, and solutions in their International Advertising article. When it comes to advertising one product or message around the world, your audience becomes much more broad. This in turn makes your advertisement campaigns much more challenging. But some products do not sick to one image or idea, but create ads that will appeal to each country. 
 Browsing through advertisements that have developed a specific image, I came across the Got Milk? campaign. This advertisement strategy  of the milk mustache did not follow its brand around the world. Interestingly, the milk mustache was only used in one other county, which as Australia. Take a look at the different ads on the blog entitled: The "Got Milk?" Ad Campaign Around the World.  Check out the companies strategies and how they differ from country to country. 

1 comment:

Kim Gregson said...

6 points/10

the link to the got milk ads isn't working

the links in the 2nd post are old - remember they need to be 3 or 4 months old

and wiki is an interesting place to start looking for info, but it probably isn't the best source for a post